Shosh Horesh

I am a British (6 Years), Australian (17 years), and Israeli (35+ years) citizen.

I speak 2 languages as a mother tongue English & Hebrew.

I am proud to live in Israel, but I support Australia in the Olympics and England in Football.

My multiculturalism is a product of all these countries but specifically Israel which is a melting pot of peoples from all over the world.

Israel is a middle eastern country with a buzz and unique character, sometimes my life has been a struggle navigating the cultural differences but that is the adventure.

Q. Tell me about yourself?

“I made Aliyah in 1986, Israel was not what Israel today, in 1986 it was a very different world”

Q. How close do you feel to religion religion/nationality/state?

“you can just feel it, I cannot describe it in other word then love”

Q. What made you make the decision immigrate ?

“he walked with me  through this wonderful Country, In this land we both chose to live in”

Q. did anyone from your family object?

“if you didn’t make an Aliyah then you weren’t really a zionist”

Q. Did you have any reservations?

” all the things you do the first time it’s hard, but in some point of time you learn to smile and laugh about it”

Q. Do you think Israel is prepared to take on immigration?

They didn’t get the loneliness and how hard it was to do make Aliyah and to be separated from your family”

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