Michael Horesh

I was born in London and grew up in a Jewish but not religious home.
My family was part of the small Jewish Iraqi community In London.
as I started my teen years I went to a Jewish Zionist youth group.
When I came to Israel for the first time I knew this is where I want to build my home and start my family.
Today I live in Mevasset Tzion, the outskirts of Jerusalem, with my beautiful wife. we have three amazing children and one gorgeous granddaughter.
This was my dream, so far so good.

Q. Tell me about yourself?

“At the end of that visit I knew that somehow I would be coming back here on a more permanent basis”

Q. How close do you feel to religion religion/nationality/state?

“i feel very safe here, i believe in israel as a state that it need to be here in modern times”

Q. What made you make the decision immigrate ?

“i didn’t know how and why but i knew that in the end of that year i had to come back to israel and live permanently”

Q. did anyone from your family object?

“every one was for it absolutely one hundred present for it”

Q. Did you have any reservations?

 “None, complete naivety, possibly stupidity, but the way to come”

Q. Do you think Israel is prepared to take on immigration?

it’s not perfect, but it’s not bad”

Q : what hardships did you face moving to Israel?

I remember the most silly things I said in job interviews and got throne out very quickly

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