Pater Anselm Tran Cong Luan

My name is Pater Anselm, I am from Vietnam. And since 2013 I am here with brothers, all Vietnamese, because the diocese of Limburg invited us. 

We are part of the Cistercian order. For the order, it is important to pray and work in the monastery. We monks pray seven times a day. 

At the moment, we are seven monks. Three patres and four brothers.

Germany is different from Vietnam. The weather here is very cold. In Vietnam, especially in the north, it is always warm, not cold. When we came here, it was a little complicated with the weather. Some brothers had to go back, because it didn’t work out with the weather.

2016 I got ordinated. Because I am a priest, I sometimes visit the Vietnamese community: We celebrate the holy mass together. Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig. I visit the whole German country. 

Sometimes, I miss the homecountry, of course. Normally, every three years, I visit Vietnam. My mother monastery will send two brothers from Vietnam to us.

At the moment, they are learning German in Vietnam. Then they will live with us. 

“I wish You all the best”

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